Critical & analytical thinking

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Read article: Sociology Instructors on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (Spring 2024)
Sociology Instructors on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (Spring 2024)
Results for the Spring 2024 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent have been released by CITL. Please join us in congratulating the faculty and TAs who made this semester's list! Faculty Jose Atiles Osoria Brian Dill Christina Kamis Anna-Maria Marshall Brittney Miles Ghassan...
Read article: Check out Dr. Ilana Redstone's feature by the News Bureau
Check out Dr. Ilana Redstone's feature by the News Bureau
A new feature by the Illinois News Bureau highlights Dr. Ilana Redstone's upcoming book about interrogating our own certainty. The Certainty Trap: Why We Need to Question Ourselves More — and How We Can Judge Others Less releases on September 2 from Pitchstone Publishing....
Read article: Incoming Doctoral Student Kass Gonzalez Recieves Two Accolades in SPI
Incoming Doctoral Student Kass Gonzalez Recieves Two Accolades in SPI
Kass Gonzalez, an incoming doctoral student in the Sociology department, recently received two accolades for her work during the Summer Predoctoral Institute (SPI) program. Kass was presented with the Outstanding Scholar Award by SPI, and her research during the program was ranked 2nd place in the...
Read article: Tim Liao Named Editor of Socius
Tim Liao Named Editor of Socius
Dr. Tim Liao, Professor of Sociology at Illinois, has been named the next editor of Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, an online open access journal from the American Sociological Association (ASA). His tenure as editor begins this month, August 2024, and...
Read article: Reuben A. Buford May named 2024-25 President’s Executive Leadership Program Fellow
Reuben A. Buford May named 2024-25 President’s Executive Leadership Program Fellow
Last Thursday, Professor Reuben A. Buford May was named a President’s Executive Leadership Program (PELP) Fellow for the 2024-2025 session. PELP is a unique professional development program designed to broaden participants’ understanding...
Read article: Three faculty receive LAS Awards
Three faculty receive LAS Awards
Dr. Jose Atiles Osoria named Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors (LEAP) Scholar. The LEAP award is presented to early-career faculty to recognize their...


The Department of Sociology proudly houses Socius, the American Sociological Association’s only open access online journal that publishes peer-reviewed high-quality research of a wide range of topics as rapidly as possible.

Editorial team:
Editor: Tim F. Liao
Managing Editor: Gretchin Gifford
Editorial Associates: Miguel Arturo Avalos & Kassandra Gonzalez

Recently published papers can be viewed at the journal’s website.

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Ghassan Moussawi

Faculty Spotlight: Ghassan Moussawi named Conrad Humanities Scholar

Six professors from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences have been named Conrad Humanities Scholars and Clayton and Thelma Kirkpatrick Professors. Angela Calcaterra, Teri Chettiar, Irvin Hunt, and Ghassan Moussawi have each been honored as Conrad Humanities Scholars. The Conrad Humanities Scholars award recognizes promising mid-career scholars and provides financial support for continued achievement, research, and scholarship in humanities. The designation is for five years. The awards are funded by a gift from the late Arlys Conrad (AB, ’44, education).

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Nehal Elmeligh

Publication Spotlight: Nehal Elmeligy received Honorable Mention for the 2023 Distinguished Article Award from the American Sociological Society

Nehal Elmeligy, a Sociology PhD candidate, has been awarded the Honorable Mention for the 2023 Distinguished Article Award from the American Sociological Society for her article “Airing Egypt’s Dirty Laundry: BuSSy’s Storyelling as Feminist Social Change.”