Sociology PhD candidate Miguel A. Avalos recently published his research paper "Queer Limitrophic Dwelling" in the GLQ special issue "Queering the Domestic."
Graduate student Jessennya Hernandez was recently published in the journal Humanity & Society. Abstract:
This paper explores the grounded realities of how foster youth attempt...
We want to recognize one of our 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients, Doug Barnes, for the generous gift he made to the Sociology Department. Barnes’ gift establishes a Fund to support graduate...
Program Requirements
Detailed information regarding course and student requirements for our program:
Doctoral Degree
Application Procedures
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Graduate student and teaching assistant Amirhossein Teimourigerdeh recently had a paper published in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society.
From the...
Congratulations to PhD student Mona Khneisser on being awarded the Erik Olin Wright Distinguished Article Award from Critical Sociology.
"In his memory and in recognition of his commitment to nurture junior scholars, the Editorial Board of Critical Sociology...
Congratulations to PhD student Mona Khneisser on being awarded the Erik Olin Wright Distinguished Article Award from Critical Sociology.
"In his memory and in recognition of his...
The Department of Sociology is proud to announce that our graduate student, Shwetha Delanthamajalu, will receive the 2020 Marianne A. Ferber Scholarship from the Department of Gender & Women's Studies. This scholarship is awarded for her dissertation proposal, "Moral panics and...
Graduate study in the Department of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prepares students for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).