Dr. Jose Atiles Osoria named Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors (LEAP) Scholar. The LEAP award is presented to early-career faculty to recognize their scholarly productivity and contributions to the educational mission of their departments and the College of LAS. These scholars hold the title for two years and receive discretionary research funding each year.
Prof. Brian Dill Receives LAS Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Dr Brian Dill is known for sustained excellence, innovative teaching, and fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. “I have watched Professor Dill transform what I thought would be boring lecture material into a vibrant and engaged lecture. He seems to have a gift for connecting students to new information in diverse ways so as to ‘cover all the bases’ and engage students who possess different learning styles,” wrote Reuben May, head of the Department of Sociology.
Prof. Ghassan Moussawi named Conrad Humanities Scholar. Ghassan Moussawi has been honored as a Conrad Humanities Scholars The Conrad Humanities Scholars award recognizes promising mid-career scholars and provides financial support for continued achievement, research, and scholarship in humanities. The designation is for five years. The awards are funded by a gift from the late Arlys Conrad (AB, ’44, education).