Research Interests
- Environmental justice and Blue Justice
- Gender and Environment
- Socio-environmental impacts of Chinese investment in Africa
- Sustainable fishing, aquaculture and fishmeal production
- Ocean policy and governance
Research Description
My work investigates the environmental and social impacts of large-scale fisheries and fishmeal projects in The Gambia from the perspective of gender equity and blue justice. I study how such projects affect the livelihoods of local communities, especially women, and contribute to environmental degradation and social inequity.
Bachelors in Economics, University of Connecticut
Masters in African Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
WGGP Barbara Yates Fellowship, 2024-2025, WGGP, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Douglas Barnes Graduate Scholarship, 2024, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
WARA Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2023, West African Research Association
WGGP RITA and Arnold Goodman Fellowship, 2020-2021, WGGP, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Eyamba Bokamba Graduate Scholarship 2020, Center for African Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pre-doctoral Fellowship 2018-2019, Center for African Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Courses Taught
- SOC 100: Intro to Sociology (TA)
- SOC 275: Criminology (TA)
- SOC 364: Impacts of Globalization (TA)
- GLBL 350: Poverty in a Global Context (Instructor)
- EPSY 202: Exploring Cultural Diversity (TA)
- WLOF 201 & WLOF 202: Elementary Wolof I & II (Instructor)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Center for African Studies
Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP)
Highlighted Publications
Jobe, F. H. (2023). Fishmeal Production and the Dispossession of Women in The Gambia. Feminist Africa, 4(1), 43-73.